How you can learn HTML & CSS with confidence ?

How you can learn HTML & CSS with confidence ?

The issue!

This is the problem most of us find in the journey of learning any new computer language, we tend to look for books that could provide us with some knowledge, and we tend to browse the internet and scroll through Youtube for finding that one perfect video that could explain it all in one single video.

The wrong loop!

Don't get into the loop of learning, learning any language doesn't start unless you start speaking it. So the best way to start speaking computer language is by building small projects using it,

now for harnessing the computer language we have many competitive platforms like Leetcode, CodeChef, HackerRank and HackerEarth.

For harnessing skills of any computer language we have these platforms, where we are given a problem statement and are expected to solve those problems.
But, for a newbie, it becomes difficult to build confidence in HTML and CSS, as they have a habit of developing projects or practising the language, they feel troubled as they have no particular idea of what to build in the beginning.

The path.

As a developer, you must have heard about this community already. freeCodeCamp acts as the best community platform where you can learn new technical skills, and languages for free.

There is a free certification program called responsive web designing which takes you through the best language learning designed structure. As Html and Css if learned separately become lengthy and turn out to be a wrong decision one can take.

This platform will teach you the basics of the language with the help of mini assignments, it will ask you to build 20 small projects, where you will get certified for free after finishing every milestone.

First, you'll build a cat photo app to learn the basics of HTML and CSS. Later, you'll learn modern techniques like CSS variables by building a penguin, and best practices for accessibility by building a quiz site.

Finally, you'll learn how to make webpages that respond to different screen sizes by building a photo gallery with Flexbox, and a magazine article layout with CSS Grid.

So, freecodecamp makes sure you learn the skills in a fun way and learn the most while building projects.
